Tech Hiring in the Remote-First Era

Embracing a Virtual Workforce

Only 14.58% of software developers work within office settings (on-site), while the rest work remotely or in a hybrid model (via Stack Overflow, 2022).

What is a Remote Developer?

A remote developer is a professional who writes and maintains code for software applications from a remote location, outside of a traditional office setting. This setup allows developers to work from anywhere globally, providing flexibility and access to a global talent pool.

Challenges of Remote Hiring

Finding the Right Fit: Identifying candidates who thrive in a remote work environment requires a different lens. Look for behavioural and soft skills such as self-discipline, time management, and effective communication.

Creating a Collaborative Culture: Building a strong working relationship among remote teams is important. Invest in team bonding and engagement in a virtual setting.

Time Zone Coordination: With talent dispersed across the globe, coordinating team schedules can be tricky. Use tools and practices to bridge the gap and ensure seamless collaboration.

Opportunities in Remote Hiring

Expanded Talent Pool: The remote-first approach breaks geographical barriers, allowing companies to tap into a global talent pool, including African tech talent and tech opportunities in Africa.

Flexible Work Arrangements: Remote work opens the door to flexible work arrangements, promoting a healthy work-life balance and attracting top talent.

Cost Savings: Embracing remote work can lead to reduced operational costs.

How to Hire More Tech Employees Remotely

Use a Tech Talent Agency: Partner with a tech talent agency or tech hiring agency review to streamline the recruitment process and find the best candidates.

Hiring Foreign Remote Workers: Expand your search beyond local candidates to include hiring foreign remote workers, particularly from regions with emerging tech hubs such as African tech hubs and tech companies in West Africa.

Remote Internships: Offer remote internships to attract and evaluate potential full-time hires.

Remote IT Staff: Use remote IT staff to cover various time zones, ensuring 24/7 productivity.

Key Points to Consider When Hiring a Remote Engineer

Technical Skills Assessment: Start with a thorough evaluation of the candidate's technical skills through coding tests, technical interviews, and reviewing past projects.

Remote Work Experience: Seek candidates with previous experience working remotely. They should be self-disciplined, proactive, and capable of managing their time effectively in a remote setting.

Communication Skills: Effective communication is crucial in remote work. Assess the candidate's ability to express themselves clearly.

Problem-Solving and Independence: Remote engineers should be adept at solving problems independently. Ask about challenging situations they've faced while working remotely and how they resolved them.

Time Zone Compatibility: Consider the candidate's time zone in relation to other team members. While some overlap is necessary for meetings and collaboration, having team members in different time zones can provide round-the-clock productivity.

Cultural Fit: Assess whether the candidate aligns with your company's culture. This is especially important in a remote work environment.

Tools and Technology: Ensure the candidate is familiar with the tools and technologies your team uses for remote collaboration, project management, and communication.

Trial Period: Consider starting with a trial period or a part-time arrangement to assess how well the candidate adapts to the remote role and integrates with your team.

Creating an Exceptional Remote Onboarding Experience

A successful remote hiring process doesn't end with the offer letter. Onboarding remote employees requires an intentional approach to ensure a smooth transition and a sense of belonging.

Pre-boarding Preparation: Provide essential information and resources before the official start date. Send a welcome package and grant access to necessary tools.

Virtual Orientation: Replace the traditional in-person orientation with a virtual onboarding program. Engage in video calls, interactive training sessions, and virtual team-building activities to build connections from day one.

Pairing System: Pair new hires with experienced team members. This mentorship approach helps newcomers navigate the virtual workspace and builds valuable relationships.

Feedback and Check-ins: Regularly seek feedback from new hires to identify and address any challenges they may face. Scheduled check-ins show your commitment to their success.

Build Your Remote Tech Team with Gigson

Remote work helps founders discover several opportunities in tech hiring. It is not just a trend; it's the future of tech employment. Embrace a virtual workforce and build a thriving tech team where geographical barriers no longer limit your business potential. Start building your remote tech team with Gigson.

Gigson is the best solution for tech hiring, removing the stress of evaluating tools and processes. We provide you with the right tech talent and manage them effectively, allowing you to focus on your core business without worrying about your tech-related requirements.

With Gigson, you can trust that your tech needs are in capable hands, so you can scale and grow your business without bother.


1. How can employers effectively assess soft skills such as self-discipline, time management, and effective communication in remote job candidates, considering the absence of face-to-face interactions?

Ans: Employers can effectively assess soft skills in remote job candidates by utilizing various strategies such as conducting behavioral interviews focusing on past experiences, using situational judgment tests to gauge problem-solving skills, and employing personality assessments. Additionally, virtual collaboration tools can be utilized to observe candidates' communication styles and teamwork abilities during remote interactions.

2. What specific strategies and tools can companies implement to foster team bonding and collaboration among remote employees, ensuring a cohesive and productive virtual work environment?

Ans: To foster team bonding and collaboration among remote employees, companies can implement strategies such as organizing virtual team-building activities, creating dedicated communication channels for informal discussions, scheduling regular video conferences for face-to-face interactions, and utilizing project management tools for transparent workflow management. Additionally, platforms like Gigson can facilitate virtual team collaboration by providing features for remote communication and project coordinatio

3. In what ways does Gigson facilitate the remote hiring process for tech companies, particularly in terms of sourcing, assessing, and onboarding remote engineers?

Ans: Gigson facilitates the remote hiring process for tech companies by offering a platform where employers can access a diverse talent pool of software developers, assess candidates' technical skills through coding tests and technical interviews, and connect directly with potential hires. Moreover, Gigson provides resources and support for companies to streamline the onboarding process for remote engineers, ensuring a smooth transition into the virtual work environment.

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