10 Great Reasons You Should Embrace A Remote Work Culture

A survey of over 5,000 professionals showed that the number of people who say they’ve quit a job due to lack of flexibility has nearly doubled from 17% in 2014 to 32% in 2017. According to FlexJobs’ annual surveys of professionals and their attitudes towards flexible work. This has to do with a combination of factors which has made people want more and more, a job that doesn’t consume all their time, energy and resources. Here’s why your organisation should embrace remote work.
1. Increased Productivity
Many people like me, actually prefer to work alone and/or in a quiet environment where thoughts can flow seamlessly without any interruptions or noise distractions. Being able to choose where you’re most comfortable to work is total bliss because when you’re comfortable, you’re relaxed and more creative. All your senses work better in a calm environment, your brain is receptive to ideas and your output is way better than when you’re in a noisy or uncomfortable place. At the office, you may have to deal with that overly chatty colleague who never knows when to quit but a remote job can prevent all of that. Being able to work at your own pace, your own time and in your own space will create a balance that will reflect in your life generally. Thereby also making you productive in other areas, not having to give up one for the other. Remote work basically intensifies productivity.
2. Flexibility
We all agree the body needs rest from time to time and occasionally, that need arises right in the middle of work. You may need a nap, yoga break or to be in a lying position to refresh your brain and be more comfortable but you cannot be caught doing that at the office and this can be counterproductive. It means that you would have to ‘run on empty’ to deliver work while under stress or being sleep deprived. You could become slower with work or overlook certain things that on a good day, with a sharp mind, you never would have.
With a remote job, even if you sleep during “work hours”, you know how to make up for lost time without defaulting on a deadline. This is a very cogent point because, in a flexible environment, there is also an increased level of productivity. Offering employees flexibility promotes trust and helps employees to feel respected and valued. This shows your level of confidence in their ability and judgment without anyone being physically present to constantly monitor them. Also, with remote work, you can be up to 2 or 3 professionals in the course of your career because the hours aren’t rigid compared to a typical job in the corporate world.
3. Personal Wellness
Over 60 percent of us go to work when we’re sick. That means over half of the labour market indulges in the bad habit of not taking proper care of ourselves when sick on the job. Many times, employees do not have a choice due to company policy or rules but while working remotely, the focus is not on the number of hours you physically put in, but on your delivery. I mean, you do not have to run the risk of contaminating other employees in the office or prolonging your sickness due to accumulated stress of going to work when sick. Even the non-contagious ailments such as a bout of food poisoning, intense menstrual cramps, or other personal issues can be better tended to at home, providing less distraction to colleagues and more time to heal.
4. Overhead Cost Reduction
Companies who only hire employees as in-office staff often spend more on operational costs per head than companies who embrace remote workers. Hiring remotely is quite affordable as companies do not have to worry about getting bigger offices, extra equipment, and other things need for in-house employees. There are so many things they can spend that money on, including save, free up money to hire more staff (thereby reducing staff workload, at the same time maximizing productivity), invest back into the company, or donate to a worthy cause. The options are limitless.
5. Happy Employees
Employee satisfaction is very crucial to their work and when working conditions are right, they are happy, making them work better and faster. What you see outside is a reflection of what they feel. Letting employees work remotely makes them happier.
6. Wider Talent Pool Access
Having remote staff gives access to a wider range of talent. You do not worry about whether or not you share the same geopolitical zone as long as work gets done. Many companies have turned down skilled applicants and also talented people have restrained themselves from certain job offers/applications simply because of the location. This is a loss to both company and individual but with remote work culture, that gap is bridged and viola! Problem solved.
7. Minimized Work related Conflicts
The good thing about working remotely is most interactions are on a professional basis and require less personal relationships. For instance, there’s no office chit-chat or gossip that can lead to a “he said, she said” situation, the smell of your colleague’s cologne doesn’t affect you or someone doesn’t brush past you without apologizing. Unlike when colleagues see each other everyday, petty or serious conflicts will surely arise among employees.
8. Cost Effectiveness
Since employees do not have to worry about transportation to the office as a bill to add to their monthly budget, they are able to save a chunk of their salaries. Cost is not limited to money. Remote work also saves time.
9. Valuing the Employee
By embracing remote work, it is easier to measure the value employees would add to your company, being able to weigh their work ethics and skills. You can test them by hiring them as freelancers or on a short-term contract basis to measure their ability before offering a role on a permanent basis.
10. Environmental safety
Remote work is generally safer for the environment for reasons we may not even consider important. Let me break it down. Remote work means less vehicles on the road – which means less city traffic or gridlock during peak or rush hours of the day – which means less combustion of fuels and low carbon emissions and footprints – which means healthier air to breathe in – which means lower risk of air-borne diseases – which generally means a safer world. Life is a series of chain reactions that happen in a cycle.
It all boils down to productivity. The amazing advantages Remote Work culture has introduced us to are endless. I have given 10 great reasons why you should embrace the remote work culture, I do not see why you shouldn’t.
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